Illegal Immigrants and the Law

For the past three years we’ve been flooded with illegal immigrants coming across our southern border. Actually, its been longer than that but has been worse the past three years. At first these people were coming from Central and South America; from poor and oppressive countries. they came to our border in droves and helped along the way by NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) and the countries they were passing through. Their goal being to get to the United States in the hopes of having a better life. I can understand their desire to come here. It is far better in the U.S. than where they were coming from.

Our current President, on his first day in office, rescinded or abolished some of the laws and Executive orders that his predecessor had put into effect. Laws and orders that were slowing the progress of illegal immigration and strengthening our border. He even stopped the construction of the border wall. I’ve heard rumor that these illegals were being given cell phones so they could be reached for their immigration court date. Do you honestly think they are waiting around for a call from the government? I don’t. They were given money to help them afford a living. There are reports that the money is being sent back to their countries of origin to help their families make the trek north or to support their families. All this help being given to people who are here illegally while groups of our own citizens are struggling to get by (homeless people, low income, single parent homes, etc.)

Just last week it was announced that NYC Mayor Adams has authorized giving illegals a prepaid credit card for making purchases at local bodegas and grocery stores. Again, do you think they are using those cards for that purpose? I don’t. The city has this money yet they haven’t done anything like this to help our own citizens.

There is speculation that these young, fit, single males are here to infiltrate our country, to cause havoc. Some even believe them to be part of sleeper cells waiting for a designated time to strike out at our way of life. I don’t know about that but it sure makes one wonder.

Our federal government is up in arms about what Governor Abbot is doing in Texas. There are threats of law suites and the use of the National Guard to counter Gov. Abbot. Perhaps if the President and Congress had acted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution this situation wouldn’t be so bad.

So instead of working to undermine Gov. Abbot our government is supposed to be supporting him and by not doing so they are in violation of the Constitution. To me, this is grounds for impeachment or removal from office; not only the President and Vice-President but also every member of the House of Representatives and the Senate who do not support one of the states of this country.



The President, Vice-President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

I see the President’s, Vice-President’s and other government officials support of the illegal aliens as treasonous. They are professing support for these people but disregarding the citizens of this country.

Our current government was duly elected by the people of this nation and they are expected to represent us, the people who elected them, not those people here illegally who have no regard or investment in our nation. So many of us forget that WE THE PEOPLE are in charge of this nation, not the politicians. They are elected to represent our needs and desires on what goes on in this country, not to rule over us which is what I see as happening.

We have a unique opportunity in this day and age. For over two centuries we have relied on our officials to do what we sent them to do; govern in our names. We elected them and they went off to local, state or federal offices to perform their duties and the only way we had of tracking what they were doing was the press or official statements sent by mail. After the invention of the radio then later the television we started getting more information but it was still small and controlled. But now we have the internet, email and social media. With these three we can exercise more control over our government. Instead of just accepting what our officials do we can actually tell them what to do; to a point. Instead of them making deals with other officials and passing laws and bills based on those deals they would have to answer more direct questions and requests from their constituents thus doing what we expect of them.

Perhaps it is time we exercised our rights.

TIDBIT: In the Constitution you see one word often; SHALL. Many people believe this word means that what you do is optional. It is the opposite. Shall in the Constitution and of that century was meant as a command. In other words something you will or had to do. Look it up.


And the danger they pose to society

There was a shooting today. A number of people were killed including the shooter. It doesn’t matter where it was. It doesn’t matter who was killed. It doesn’t even matter their ages. The bare facts are that someone was killed today by a gun.

This senseless act of violence against our citizenry will be portrayed by the liberal media using the broadest of brush strokes and those colors associated with violence. The liberal media will tell a story of how the problem is the gun and its use in these violent crimes. In their articles they will point out the statistics of gun violence in this country over decades. They will bring up the mass killings of children in order to tug at our heart strings. They demand, in their articles, the removal of first certain types of guns then eventually all guns from public use.

The politicians will promise to outlaw the use, sale, and possession of ‘assault weapons’ by the American public. They will promise to submit bills to Congress to that affect. It will become their biggest talking point on their campaign trails. They will further promise to uphold the laws currently in place and change them, if necessary, to achieve their goal of a society free from firearms.

But it is a smoke screen. Neither the media nor the politicians care about the safety of our people. Their real concern is their ratings and the support of the voters. The media will do anything to get people to read, watch or listen to their stories while the politicians will say or do anything to get our vote.

There is a myriad of laws on the books controlling the use of firearms by the general public. Why do we need more laws when those on the books are either not being enforced, ignored or proven ineffective?

There is one subject when it comes to guns laws that is not being addressed. Enforcement. I’m not talking about the police officer on the streets but those individuals in the court system who on a daily basis fail to enforce those laws to their fullest extent because of either a political or social agenda or out of fear of retaliation. District Attorneys who pick and choose what laws to enforce. Judges who legislate from the bench instead of doing their job of enforcing the laws. Lawyers and judges take an oath to uphold the laws of the United States. Yet every day they act as though they never heard of such an oath. They should not be making their decisions on a case based on what the outcome will or could be, who it could or would hurt but should be made based solely on the law on the books. These laws are not to be interpreted by the lawyers and judges but used as written, with the prescribed penalties for committing the crime. They should not have the ability to alter a penalty simply because they don’t like it or ‘they’ think its unfair. That is why laws get rewritten and until they are the parameters and penalties of the law stand.

Today the subject is gun violence and crime. What will it be next month? And why is it only brought up during an election year?

It is time for the American people to stand up for what they believe in, demand their Representatives and Senators do more than constantly run for re-election, demand the courts properly uphold the laws of the land and demand the protection that is afforded us by the Constitution of the United States.

When I was a young person my parents had limited information about their political candidates. They only knew what the newspapers reported and rarely got information about the politician’s antics away from the district or Washington D.C. They assumed their politicians were upstanding, moral individuals who were looking out for them. We now live in a world where even the tiniest slip by a politician becomes newsworthy and gets plastered all over the media for the country to see. We also have the ability to research for ourselves what our representatives in D.C. are truly doing for us. We can see what bills they support and voted on, what caucuses they belong to, what committees they are part of and even who they hang around with. We don’t have to take the word of the media.

Then we need to vote; not along party lines but according to our heart and personally researched information. We need to go to town hall meetings and ask those questions that make the politician warm under the collar. We need to be active in our communities, question local decisions on schools, county and town policies. We need to step forward for our fellow citizens when they need protection, help and support. We just need to be friends again.